LayawayIf your store offers layaway, the option must be turned on in System | Company Setup | POS Information 2.
A layaway ticket may be initiated as a payment method in the Ring Sale Payment screen. Layaway tickets are then managed through POS | Layaway (F7).
Upon clicking Layaway, if a customer wasn't selected during the Ring Sale screen, the Find Customer screen opens. Enter the correct customer. The Layaway Deposit Amount screen opens with the deposit amount and the amount for the layaway. The deposit amount is automatically entered according to the settings in System | Company Setup | POS Information 2. This amount can be edited if the customer wishes to make a larger deposit.
![]() Once you click Accept, the Payment screen refreshes to show the layaway charge and the amount immediately due. Proceed as you normally would to accept payment for the layaway deposit.
Future payments on a layaway can be made through POS | Payments | Pay on Layaway or POS | Layaway (F7).