The Sales Report provides sales data on the items in your store.
 Report Type
A detailed report with default settings shows the following information:
It allows you to drill-down to the IC inventory file for each item, the AR customer file for each customer, and the invoice summary for each invoice.
A summary report with default settings shows item number, description, location, on-hand quantity, stock quantity sold, and extended price. It allows you to drill-down to the IC inventory file for each item.
A summary date report shows invoice date, class/fineline, stocking quantity sold, and extended price.
| Note that the extended amount does not include sales tax.
You can order report results by any of several criteria.
 Date Range
Enter a date range.
You can show results for a specific ZNumber or leave this field blank to show results for all ZNumbers.
 Filter Criteria
You can filter search results by many criteria to pinpoint the data you need.
Here is an example of a detailed report:
Here is an example of a summary report:
Here is an example of a summary date report: