The Sales by Class report provides sales totals by inventory class for a specified date range.
 Report Type
A standard report shows extended price, percentage of total sales, extended cost, profit, gross profit percentage, extended tax, and price plus tax for each class. It allows you to drill down to the detail sales report for each class. The extended tax shown is estimated. The Sales Tax report should be reviewed for exact sales tax.
A class sub totals report categorizes classes by number or alphabetic letter. It allows you to drill down to the detail sales report.
A class plus code report separates class sales by code. It allows you to drill down to the detail sales report.
 Date Range
Enter a date range.
 Cost Basis
Select whether to display report results on an average or replacement cost basis.
 Report Group Reporting
This removes the separation of report results by group.
 Customer Type
You can filter report results by customer type, or you can exclude a specified customer type.
 Work Area
You can filter report results by work area.
Here is an example of a standard report with default settings:
Here is an example of a class sub totals report:
Here is an example of a class plus code report: