Sale PricingA sale price is the special price assigned to an item based upon a specific period or sale. The sale price can be established prior to the sale date, but will need to be manually turned on and off.
Sales are created in POS | File Maintenance | Promotions.
![]() Create a Sale in the following manner:
From the POS | File Maintenance | Promotions | List screen, select New.
![]() The system will then present the Promotion Maintenance screen that contains the following fields:
Promo ID
Up to 15 alpha/numeric characters may be used to create the short Promo ID. Typically this may be related to the catalog ID or sale list ID from the source document to which the sale is referencing.
Type Promo
This indicates the type of sale that the given promotion is. You have the option to choose one of the following options:
The long description allows the user to provide a longer comment about the selected sale.
Begin Date
Into this field, enter the beginning date. The sale will begin at midnight of the selected date.
End Date
The End Date field indicates the last day of the sale, ending at midnight. With the date range in place, the system will alert you if the promotion is turned "on" but falls outside of the date range. This occurs when you first log in to TransActPOS. The image below displays an example.
![]() To fix this, simply uncheck the Promo Prices Active box from the listed promotion(s). Even if a promotion is still active, the prices will not remain active if the dates fall outside the range set. Look below for more information.
Promo Prices Active
Independent of the date range indicated, the Promo Prices Active field is like an "on" and "off" switch. Even if the current date falls within the sale period and this field is not checked, the sale pricing will not be calculated during the Ring Sale. Typically, this field is always checked. The only reason to remove the check is to turn off the sale during the sale's date range.
![]() Headline
This allows you to create a headline to display on the customer's extended display. The display check box to the left of it indicates turning it on or off.
No Discounts
This allows you to check or uncheck items that you do not want additional discounts on. For example, if the sale has an item on sale from 4.99 to 1.99 and a customer gets a 10% discount, if No Discount was not set up, they would receive the item at the sale price of 1.99 AND get 10% off of that price. No Discounts allows you to halt additional discounting of sale items.
Print Copy
This allows you print items on the copy of the invoice.
Import/Export Items
These options allow you to import or export (respectively) the sale items from or to (respectively) a spreadsheet.
After the information about the promotion has been established, select Modify to enter the Change Sale screen. From here, you can add, edit, or delete items from the sale. Click on the add button to indicate the item number, sale price, and the selling unit of measure for the item to be included in the sale. Entering any number in the Item field will search all items that match the portion of the item ID. After entering the sale price and unit and selecting the other options, select OK to add the item the sale item listing.
![]() Once you've entered all the sales items in the given sale, press the OK button and the system will save the sale.
![]() When a sale is created, you can click on the Details tab after highlighting the sale you want to view. The Details tab shows various details about the given sale. It shows you the amount of pieces included in the sale, how much the materials cost, the shipping cost, the total cost (material plus shipping), and the per piece cost. You can also print labels for the sale, a listing of the sales items in the sale, or a sales report for the sale.
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