Payment Terms describe the vendor’s payment terms for purchases by the company. The Paid-out Expense Account indicates the default general ledger account used to post paid out expenses when posting within the post payment screen.
Request Days
The number Request Days is utilized within the Sales Order > Action Report. The Request Days are the number of days it takes for a shipment to typically arrive at the store. In the context of the Action Report, purchase orders that have not been received within the number of Request Days appear on the report as delayed and require attention.
Percent per line (Landed Cost Adder)
Two fields are available to calculate the landed cost of an item. Freight and Handling rates are combine in determining the landed cost of an item.
| Note: a negative percentage rate may be entered to accommodate year-end dividend returns.
Enter the flat rate shipment cost (Landed Cost Adder)
Enter the threshold at which the above flat rate is not billed
Class Cross Reference
This brings up the Vendor Class Cross Reference screen, allowing you to set up or edit cross references for specific vendors. Indicate the department for the vendor, a description, and an inventory class for the cross reference to reference to.
Setup for Floor Plans
Floor Planning is a method in which manufacturers of a product will place them within a store for a specified period of time and interest rate. Multiple floor plans may be tracked for a single vendor. Serialized products may be assigned to a floor plan for tracking purposes.
Selecting New allows the user to create a new Floor Plan ID, description, and Due Date. Selecting an existing floor plan and clicking the Detail tab will display the plans information.
PartSmart/E-DN Setup
The E-DN Interface is required for installations utilizing electronic purchase orders with compatible systems.
Purchase Order Export Setup
The Purchase Order Export Interface is required for installations utilizing electronic purchase orders with compatible systems.