Price List

The Item Price Listing report allows the user to generate a listing of retail prices for a specified group of items.  
Price List


There is currently only one type allowed (standard).

Order by

You can choose to order the report by item, description, class, or location.


By default, all items will be shown on the report. You can choose to show only items with an on-hand greater than 0 (>), an on-hand less than 0 (<), an on-hand equal to 0 (=), or an on-hand less than or equal to 0 (<=).

Price Check Include

By default, all is selected. By selecting Retail <= Cost, it will show items with a retail price less than or equal to the cost. By selecting MSRP < Retail, it will show items with an MSRP less than the retail price.

Type of Items

You can choose to include stock items, non-stock items, and/or coupons.

Show Past Sales

By checking the Show Past Sales box, you can elect to show the past sale rankings as of the set date.

Exclude Include or Only

The section in the bottom left of this screen allows you to exclude, include, or only show certain items. These items are not resellable, special order items, and not available items. Any combination of these will work.

Report Filters (Right Side)

On the right side of the report is where you enter the majority of the filters for the actual report. Depending on what you want the report to actually show, you can enter as many or as little (or none) information in these filters. Granted, the more filters you have, the more detailed your report will be. If you leave all fields blank, it will report on ALL items that match the parameters set on the left side. The filters on the right are as follows:
  • Item ID or Portion (you can report on a specific item ID or enter a portion of one and report on any items that match the entered portion)
  • Class
  • Code
  • Fine
  • Sub-Fine
  • Fineline
  • Manufacturer (pressing the button brings up a list, in case you don't know the exact value)
  • Season
  • Location (checking exact match will report on exactly what you entered in the location field) 

Sample Reports

Sample Price List with only a Class specified

Price List

Sample Price List with a Class specified and the "Show Past Sales" selected

Price List