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Hot Items
The Hot Items Report will display the top selling items within your inventory. The options selected (detailed below) will determine how many items to show and what types of "hot" items.
Order by
There are three ways to order the report by. The first is "Determed by." If this is the order of the report, it will use the "Hot" Determined by field to order the report. In the example above, the report will be ordered by the "hotness" of an item determined by quantity only. Other ways to order the report by is by item number and class.
Sales From/To
The date range entered in these fields will be the dates reported on.
"Hot" Determined by
The value selected from this drop down menu is the determining factor for what makes an item "hot." The options to choose from are Quantity Only, Gross Profit, Profit Margin %, or Profit % * (by) Quantity.
Top Number of Items
The number entered in this field is the amount of items to be listed. By default, the top 10 hot items will be reported.
Show Past Sales
If this box is checked, the report will show past sales.
Report Filters (Right Side)
On the right side of the report is where you enter the majority of the filters for the actual report. Depending on what you want the report to actually show, you can enter as many or as little (or none) information in these filters. Granted, the more filters you have, the more detailed your report will be. If you leave all fields blank, it will report on ALL items that match the parameters set on the left side. The filters on the right are as follows:
-Manufacturer (pressing the button brings up a list, in case you don't know the exact value)