Slow ItemsSlow Items are determined by items that have not had sales since a specified date.
![]() Order by
The option selected here will be the way the report is ordered by. You can choose from ordering by Item Number, Description, or Class.
No Sales Since
The date entered in this field determines the items that will show up on the report. If an item hasn't had a sale since the date entered here, it will show up on the report.
Entered Prior to
The date entered in this field will show items that haven't had sales since the date entered above and were entered into the system prior to the date entered in this field.
Show Past Sales
If this option is selected, the report will show past sales.
Only Items On-Hand > 0
If this option is selected, the report will show only items with an on-hand greater than zero.
Report Filters (Right Side)
On the right side of the report is where you enter the majority of the filters for the actual report. Depending on what you want the report to actually show, you can enter as many or as little (or none) information in these filters. Granted, the more filters you have, the more detailed your report will be. If you leave all fields blank, it will report on ALL items that match the parameters set on the left side. The filters on the right are as follows:
-Item ID or Portion (you can report on a specific item ID or enter a portion of one and report on any items that match the entered portion)
-Class (checking exact match will only show items that exactly match the entered class)
-Manufacturer (pressing the button brings up a list, in case you don't know the exact value)
-Location or Portion (you can enter an exact location or portion and the report will show all items that match the portion of the location)
Sample Report
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