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Out of Bounds
The Out of Bounds Report is designed to alert you to abnormalities within the current inventory regarding the following parameters below.
Order by
In case you have a lot of Out of Bounds items, you will want to order the report in a certain way. You can order the report by Item Number, Description, or Class.
Select Items with the following parameters:
This is the main part of the report. There are three fields you can enter in to check if an item is Out of Bounds in a particular fashion. The three ways are as follows:
-Maximum On-Hand > (greater than)
-Maximum Average Cost >
-Maximum Total Cost >
The value you enter in will determine what you consider out of bounds. Look further down this page for an example.
Filter Options (Right Side)
There are two filters on the right side of the report. If you suspect a specific Item ID of being out of bounds, you can enter the ID or a portion of one. You can also check a class. If you select Exact Match, it will check the specific class you have entered into this field.
For example, the the Maximum Total Cost is set at $500, the report will inventory items that exceed the indicated value.
Resulting report presents the four items that have a total extended cost greater then $500.
Check out IC | Inventory File | General | Adjust Cost to correct costs issues.