Purchase Order - Main Tab

The Main tab contains vendor and shipping information along with totals and status of this specific purchase order.
Purchase Order - Main Tab


1. PO#
The type of PO may be selected from New PO, a Return, RFQ, or Pre-PO.  Pre-POs are created by the wireless device to be reviewed before becoming POs.
  • PO # - indicates a standard purchase order
  • Claim # indicated a return purchase order to the indicated vendor
  • Pre-PO# is created when products are returned to the indicated vendor
  • RFQ is a Request for Quote from the indicated vendor.  This type of purchase order is automatically created when generating a purchase order in the SO2PO feature of TransActPOS.


2. Vendor
Vendor information is maintained within PO | Vendors menu selection.  New vendors may be added within the maintenance menu or during the purchase order creation process.    

Ship To:

3. Ship To:
Alternate Ship To addresses is modified within the header of the purchase order.  By default, the Ship To address is based upon company information found within System | Company Setup.  If the shipment needs to be redirected to a different address, the user may modify the Ship To address information.


4. Contact
Customer contact person from the Customer File contact field.

Residential Delivery Checkbox

5. Residential Delivery Checkbox
The residential delivery check box is an indicator that the shipment is not to a business but a residential address.
Residential Delivery
The residential delivery check box is an indicator that the shipment is not to a business but a residential address.
Order Date
The Order Date indicates the origination date of the purchase order.  This date may be modified during the creation of the purchase order and within the PO | Modify PO menu option.
The Buyer name is derived from user’s Login ID maintained within System | Users.  The name of the user may be modified during the creation of the purchase order and within the PO | Modify PO menu option.
Request Date
The Request date is an indicator to the vendor of the required date of items within the purchase order.  The Request Date may be modified during the creation of the purchase order and within the PO | Modify PO menu option.
Ship Via
The Ship Via field indicates the shipping method for the current purchase order.
Order Type
The Order Types relate to specific order processes may be required for certain vendors.   Apply the appropriate order type to a purchase order as required.
Ship Comment
The Ship Comment field is used to add additional purchase order information such as contract number or reference number of the order.
Allow Split Delivery
Future development.
Drop Ship
If a purchase order is being shipped directly from distributor to a customer’s site, this is considered a drop shipment, thus the Drop Ship field should be checked.  The system will then prompt for the customer's drop address from the list of customers in AR | Customer File and change the Ship To information to the selected customer.
Payment Terms are derived from the Vendor Maintenance screen and may be modified during the creation of the purchase order.
The purchase order may include a short comment within the header
For future use
The total value of the items, freight, and handling is included within the total field.
Item Sub
The total of the inventory items is contained within the Item Sub-total field.
The user may enter directly in the freight field the amount charged for the freight of the current purchase order.  This value is automatically included in the Total field of the purchase order.
Handling charges may be entered directly into the Handling field.  This value is automatically included in the Total field of the purchase order.
Note: Both Freight and Handling is entered on the Main tab in the top right of the screen.
Invoice Due Date
If the Invoice is to be received on a particular date, enter the appropriate date.
Payment Total
Payments can be recorded related to the PO.  Click on the Payment button to display the list of payments for this PO.  Click the New button to enter a new payment.
For each payment, enter the Check Date, Check No and the Check Amount.
The status of the purchase order is indicated within this field.
Received Amount
The received amount is value of the received inventory within the purchase order.
Last Received
The last received is the date on which the last inventory receipt was processed.
Comp Order
The Item Comparison Order button will compare the cost of items from two vendors if there is an E-Catalog for each vendor and their SKU or manufactures numbers have been entered in the Item's Look-up table.
This button will export a basic 3 column file to send to vendors that request them. This file will need to be saved as a .txt file. Steps on how to do this are located in this video.
One method of printing purchase orders is to select the Print button while within a specific purchase order.
Labels with any of the current changes in this purchase order can be printed.  Item or Bin Labels can be printed for the number of Ordered, Received, or Requested items.
Related activities to this purchase order can be documented for future reference.
Save will complete the entry process and prepare the PO to be sent to the appropriate vendor by one of the following means.
  • E-Mail
  • E-Dn
  • Fax
  • Mail
  • Export