True Rewards - TV

Important Note

True Rewards - TV

If True Rewards - TV is not present...

1. If True Rewards - TV is not present...
In System > Company Setup, if the True Rewards - TV is not present within your setup scree, the TransActPOS Activation Code needs to be updated to include this option for your store.  Contact technical support for assistance.

Participate in True Rewards

1. Checking this box will enable the True Value Rewards program.
2. Be sure to also go to the Company Setup, Frequent Buyer Programs and make sure that the ID Length is set to 10. This allows the usage of the True Value Rewards number.

Store True Reward Number

Enter the appropriate store number in this box to accurately use the program.

Ask customer to sign-up for reward program

Prompts Cashier to ask customer if they'd like to sign up for True Value Rewards.

Exclude Reward Customer download?

Understand that a customer that has signed up for True Value Rewards can go into the True Value Rewards website and make changes to his account. They can change their customer information, such as their name, address, phone number or email address.
  • What Happens if you check this box?

    If you check this option, and then try to download the TRW Customers file from the Options, IOR Menu, True Value, Communications Menu, it will be grayed out and you will not be able to check the box. This will mean that the customer information, such as name, address, phone number, email, and any changes made from the True Value Reward site will not be imported into TransActPOS.
  • What Happens if you DON'T check this box?

If you don't check this box, TransActPOS will attempt to match the card Number with the card numbers within TransActPOS in the following manners:
1. If the card number is found and the account is a no charge account, their information will be updated in TransActPOS.
2. If the card number is not found and the phone number is found, then the card is added to that account as long as the account is a no account charge customer.
3. If the card number is not found a match by phone number is attempted. If that is not found, the customer is added into TransActPOS based upon information provided by Tue Value and the card number is added for that customer.

Card must be present

When a customer uses their rewards, checking this box will make it mandatory that the customer have their card at the time of purchase.

Disable matching card number to user at Ring Sale.

Checking this box will disable the match-up of a card number to an existing customer.

Report Using Alternate Class ID

Checking this option will report using an alternate class ID.

Processing of the Files

In the nightly processing of your files, there are 2 True Value Reward files that are sent to True Value. One will contain the sales and the other file will contain the customer information.
When you download your weekly invoices, it is recommended that you also download the TRW Customer File. Again this can be downloaded from Options, IOR Menu, True Value, Communications Menu, and can be done when you download your weekly Warehouse invoice.