System TabSystem wide workstation settings.
TransActPOSServer DirectoryThis field shows where the server directory is located on your workstation. This field cannot be edited.
Blue Tarp DirectoryThis directory is used for Blue Tarp. Typically the working directory for the Blue Tarp application will be C:\BlueTarp located on the terminal server. Within all workstations within the TransActPOS terminal server environment will have the same Blue Tarp Directory indicated - "C:\Blue Tarp".
Menu ChoiceIf you have "Workstation Specific" selected in the Company Setup, you can choose which version of the main menu you want displayed on this workstation. Click here for more information.
Screen SizeThis drop down menu allows you to make the Main Menu and POS screen up to 60% larger. If it is set to "100%" the screen size will be the default size. When you change this value, to see the change, you must restart TransActPOS.
Work AreaThe Work Area feature allows the store to group workstations together for reporting purposes.
Take a deep dive into Work Areas at System >General Ledger Distribution Advanced Topics > Work Areas.
The following report currently have the Work Area filter option:
The Work Area assigned to a workstation is assigned to the TransActPOS tashft table when a shift is started. If the Work Area is assigned while the sift is open, the expected Work Area will not be present. If you plan on using the Work Area option, close the workstation's shift, assign the Work Area, and then begin the shift.
Help Launches in TAPOS ScreenAllow the use of driver license scanner in donator interface.Announce Qty in IOR ReceiptSounds or WAV files may be associated to each workstation to correspond with a particular action.
![]() Select any Windows wave file. Windows Media folder contains many system defined wave files or you can create your own.
![]() Selecting Default will restore the sounds to the original setting. If the above procedures do not work, click here for an alternate method.
Allow workstation to Release GLThis option allows the workstation to release general ledger postings.
Allow shift open multiple daysEnabling this option will allow shifts to be open through multiple days.
Exclude from Short Shift CloseEnabling this option will allow the set workstation to use normal reconciliation. More information on Short Shift Close is available here.
Turn Off Auto LogoutHandheld use 2:1 Screen FormatThis setting makes the handheld screen larger when using the large screen handhelds.
Payment Types![]()
Line BusterAllows Line Busting (scanning customer's items prior to getting to the cash register for faster check out). To learn more, click here.
Include Credit Card Payment OptionLine Buster on a handheld will allow Credit Card Transactions.
Self Checkout at Ring SaleCustomer self check with restricted payment options.
Refunds Only WorkstationOnly refunds taken at this workstation.
Exchanges Only WorkstationOnly exchanges taken at this workstation.
Payment on Account Create CreditPayments taken on Account Charges will only create a credit. Will not allow posting to invoices.
Skip Apply Credit in Payment on AccountCredit screen will not come up after applying payments.
No Payment PDF CreatedChecking this will skip the creation of the Payment PDF on this workstation.
Reset Setting "Do not ask me again"On certain prompts, the system will allow you to select "Do not ask me again" and the system will no longer present this prompt. Pressing this reset button will allow the workstation to display these prompts again. The user will then receive the prompts again and will have to select "Do not ask me again" another time in order to get rid of the prompt.
Reset Registrations "Support Request"This option will reset all registrations of "Support request" on the workstation.
Windows Registry CheckClicking this button will check the Windows Registry for the proper settings.
If your system indicates that a registration is required, please call TransActPOS Technical Support Phone Numbers for assistance.