GL Distribution

The GL Distribution report shows distributions to each general ledger account.
GL Distribution

Report Type

1. Report Type
A detail report shows each distribution with its respective source, Znumber, and amount.  The GL account number for each listing is differentiated by green underlined text.  Clicking the GL account number opens the Change GL Account screen, which allows you to select a new account for that distribution.
A summary report shows the total distribution for each GL account per day, including the amount posted for that day.
An extend summary report shows the total distribution for each GL account per day.

Report Order

2. Report Order
You can order report results by date, account, document log ID (only available for detail report), or Znumber.


3. Date
Enter a date range.

Unbalanced Postings

4. Unbalanced Postings
Checking this reports only on postings to the GL that are not balanced.  Most postings should balance themselves out. 
This option is only available for detail reports.

Work Area

5. Work Area
You can enter a particular work area.


6. Accounts
You can filter results for a particular GL account.  You can also filter for an extend account if running an extend summary report.
Here is an example of a detail report:
Here is an example of a summary report:
Here is an example of an extend summary report: