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File access is denied d:\transactpos\tapresrce.dbf
The Program Error ”File access is denied d:\transactpos\tapresrce.dbf” indicates that another session on the same workstation already has TransActPOS open. For instance, if a remote session has been started with the TransActPOS Wireless using Windows Remote Desktop and the session was not logged off, the workstation/server continues to have a session of TransActPOS running. When another session of TransActPOS Wireless is requested, the previous file lock from the other session is still in force thus not allowing the new session to start.
Resolve: Close the other remote session by reconnecting to the remote session of forcing the remote session closed with the Windows 2003 &endash; Terminal Session Manager - described below.
The Error:
The Solution:
Go to "Terminal Services Manager' within Windows 2003 Server
Locate the current open sessions. As shown below, the server has two sessions currently open. In this example, the first session is from the remote utility used to view the screen, this session can be ignored. The second session indicates Session RDP-Tcp#30 as an active session. Right click on this session and select ”End Session” to release the d:\transactpos\tapresrce.dbf file.
After the problem session has been closed, the session listing will be refreshed indicating the removal of the selected session.