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Battery - UPS Backup
Setting up your UPS, or uninterrupted power supply, is crucial in keeping your store running smoothly. If the power goes out, a fuse/circuit blows, or even the power flickers, you will lose all of your data and sales and be in a lot of trouble. Ensuring that your battery backup is set up properly makes a world of difference.
The first thing you want to do is ensure the devices that need to be on during a power outage are plugged into the correct side. As you can see in the picture below, there are two sets of outlets on the device. One side says Battery Backup + Surge Protection. This is where you will want to plug in the devices you want to have power during an outage. If you plug a device into the Surge Protection side, that is all you will get: surge protection. If the power goes out, anything plugged into the Surge Protection side will be powered off immediately. No damage will come to the electronic device, due to the surge protection this side offers, but you will not be able to power down the device and ensure you won't lose any data from a power outage. The best way to test the UPS is to plug in the devices you need battery power for in the event of a power outage and simply unplug the UPS from the wall. The device should beep, letting you know that power has been interrupted and the battery is working properly. At this point, make sure the devices you have plugged in the Battery Backup side have power. If a device does not have power, it is either plugged in to the incorrect side, the battery itself is dead, or you have too many devices pulling power from the UPS. For more information, please refer to the video.
Here is a list of devices we recommend you plug into the Battery Backup side:
Computer Monitor
Network Switch
Plugging these devices in will ensure you won't lose any data, as you can finish what you are doing, close out of the programs properly, and shut the computer down until the power comes back. Please note that depending on the size of the battery and the UPS itself will determine how long it will function. Don't expect the UPS to run the computer for an hour. These devices are made to last for 5-20 minutes (based on the device itself, please consult the owner's manual to determine how long yours will last).