Point Functions

The Point Functions menu provides utilities for manipulating and monitoring your store's credit card transactions.
Point Functions

Point Reports

1. Point Reports
Point Functions

Search Transactions

1. Search Transactions
This allows you to view all transactions within a specified time period.
Here is an example of a transaction report:

Day Summary

2. Day Summary
This provides a summary of sales and voided transactions for a specified time period.
Here is an example of a day summary report:


3. Pre-Settlement
Here is an example of a per-settlement report:

Duplicate Check

4. Duplicate Check
This provides a report of transactions that appear to be duplicates.

Settle Batch

2. Settle Batch
This settles the current batch and closes all open transactions.

Remove SAF Records

3. Remove SAF Records
SAF is the acronym for Store And Forward.   SAF transactions can occur when the internet is not available the store and transactions have accumulated on the Verifone device.

Internet Portal

4. Internet Portal
This provides a link to the Verifone Payware Connect website, though which you can manually enter a transaction, void entries, view reporting on transactions, and more. Point Functions