Core to the culture at Profile Systems Design Group, Inc., the designer of TransActPOS, is customer service and concern for the success of each installation. As reported by an independent scoring system, the members of the TransActPOS team consistently outscore all other business systems in customer service and vendor communications. Just ask any of our customers about our care; it is real.
Small Company Culture
As with most of our customers, they too are a small company. Developing new applications, responding to customer needs with automated updates, and implementing new technologies are central to our business values. Our experienced team members are here to assist you in your efforts.
TransActPOS services customers with annual revenue from approximately $500,000 to $25,000,000.
TransActPOS Software Support
Providing high-quality 24/7 support is the key to your success. The Support Team at TransActPOS provides around-the-clock support with both phone and remote desktop support. Subscribing to the TransActPOS Maintenance Plan provides software updates, upgrades, patches, and technical support.
Technical Support Hours
Technical Support is available at 270-821-0720. Follow the prompts to the appropriate service desired.
· 24/7 Support by our trained U.S. based staff
· Live After-Hours Support is accessed by dialing 270-821-0720 and selecting 9 when prompted.
· After-Hours Support is typically limited to supporting issues that are problematic and not meant to be an extension of the complement of services available during regular business hours.
· Hardware support is limited to equipment purchased from Profile Systems Design Group, Inc.
Automatic Program Updates
TransActPOS Updates are downloaded and installed on your system automatically. A summary of current enhancements and bug fixes is available for review from within the system.
Simply: Exit the application, and return to the application to complete the update process.
Backup Services
Our technical support monitors Cloud-Based Backup services for the TransActPOS data set. This subscription service backs up your system after hours each evening at approximately 8:00 PM 7 days a week. The backup service is monitored by our staff each morning and addresses problems if they arise.
Training Services
Each store receives customized training to meet its individual needs. Standardized procedures deliver the training with particular attention to how the store operates today and shows the user a path to a more efficient process within TransActPOS.
Help Center
 Help Center
Our customers' attention to detail and care are reflected in our high customer satisfaction rating. We are very proud of our excellent team members who support our customers.
The TransActPOS Help Center contains over 2,000 pages of indexed and searchable documentation organized by module. Additionally, training videos and How To: documentation address specific process subjects.
Online Help
 Online Help
The Online Help system allows access from on mobile and desktop browsers providing access to the Help Center found within the application. The Help Center is now accessible where ever you are.
| Go to Help ID
The Go to Help ID provides direct access to help content based upon a numeric value assigned to the document. When communicating by phone or email, the technical support team may refer to a related topic within the Help Center as a guide to understanding using the Help ID.
To access the Go to Help ID utility:
Select Help and then Go To Help ID.
Next, enter the Help ID, a topic number provided by the support team or your prior notes regarding a topic.
Upon selecting OK, the requested topic is presented to the user.
Video Library
Over 200 videos provide an anytime explanation of a variety of TransActPOS topics. The series of educational videos cover the core processes and the more sophisticated subjects.
Students are organized within designated groups within the store and assigned courses. The assigned courses may include videos, work assignments, and other learning materials. This self-paced learning tool provides the baseline understanding of the broader TransActPOS suite of applications and establishes the core understanding of the system.
Remote Desktop Support
The TransActPOS Support Team may join you on your workstation's desktop for further assistance. During the conversation with our technical support team, users may select the Web Support option from TransActPOS to grant secure access to their workstation for assistance.
Remote Support with Video Conferencing
Have a complex problem that is hard to explain? Sometimes a video conference call can get to the root of the problem in short order. Zoom Meetings can quickly bridge the gap of understanding with video conferences.
TA-Assist provides users a direct link to helpful videos to install, configure, and solve problems with a simple QR code scan. Do you need a quick answer on configuring the attached printer or research a problem? Scan the attached QR Code to access the TA-Assist system of help topics.
As a supplement to our 24/7 Support Technical Support, topics range from equipment setup to accounting processes.
Scan the QR Code below
to experience TA-Assist
TransActPOS eNews
The periodic TransActPOS Industry Newsletter is an electronic publication highlighting various topics of TransActPOS and the hardware store industry.