A drawer status report can be accessed by clicking the Shift Status button. This shows data for all open workstations.
Total Sales
This is the total sales amount for all workstations.
Sales Tax
This is the total sales tax amount for all workstations.
Total Cost
This is the total cost of goods sold for all workstations
Gross Profit
This is the total gross profit for all workstations.
Margin %
This is the percent margin averaged across all workstations.
Gross Sales Comparison
This allows you to compare sales at different dates.
Current Balances by Payment Type
These are the accumulated totals of Cash, Checks, Credit Cards, Debit Card, Non-Cash Payments, Manufacturer Coupons, Account Charges, and Drawer Adjustments for all open workstations.
Individual Registers Activity
Each workstation with an open shift is represented by ZNumber in the detail listing screen.
Total Number of Invoices and Lines
These are the total numbers of invoices and detail lines for the shifts represented.
All Shifts
When checked, the system shows all open shifts, regardless of opening date; otherwise, only shifts opened today appear.
Note that the header changes to reflect the current date when this option is checked.
Click Print to print to the designated Report Printer.
Click Update to refresh the data shown to the current time.