Full A-Copy Report Details

Special Note Regarding Outs: 
Since Do it Best no longer sends with a packing list of Outs, the Full A-Copy Report contains the Comment Area which contains this information.  The Comment Area has been present within the standard reporting of TransActPOS.
The Full A-Copy Report with details presents to the user the detailed information about each SKU by Purchase Order Number.
Full A-Copy Report Details

SKU of product ordered

1. SKU of product ordered
The hyperlink allows the user to have direct access to the Inventory Control module. Simply left-click on the hyperlink to open the selected item's Inventory screen.  When completed, select the Close button to return to the report.

Retail and Cost

2. Retail and Cost
The ECat column indicates the Retail price presented within the current eCatalog from Do it Best at the time of the report.
Full A-Copy Report Details
The Var column indicates the current Variable Price presented within TransActPOS.
The Store column indicates the current Retail Price of the SKU.
Below is a portion of the Inventory File > General tab of the selected SKU.

Order and Receipt Columns

3. Order and Receipt Columns
The Order column indicates the quantity of the original purchase order.
The Receipt column indicates the actual quantity of the product shipped within this Consolidate Invoice.

Cost of the SKU received

4. Cost of the SKU received
The Order Cost is representative of the cost that appeared on the purchase order submitted during the order process.
The Receipt Cost is the cost that Do it Best has charged for the SKU.

Comment Area

5. Comment Area
The Comment Area within the consolidated invoice contains of reasons a selected SKU was not received, as provided by Do it Best.