
How Lot Break Works

Example of creating 20 1OZ packs of Rutgers tomatoes from the 2 (LB1) bags of LotW23
How Lot Break Works

Select the Receiving Item Number

1. Select the Receiving Item Number
Click on the listing button to have the system present the available items within the selected Lot Group.  If the expected item is not within the listing, revise the Lot Group by adding the product to the listing then return to the Lot Break utility to proceed.

Enter the number of units to be created

2. Enter the number of units to be created
Enter the number of units to be created during this transaction and then press Enter to proceed to the next prompt.

Select the Source Item Number

3. Select the Source Item Number
Select the Source Item Number from the available product found within the Lot Group and then press Enter.

The Units per source unit is calculated automatically

4. The Units per source unit is calculated automatically
The Units per source unit is based upon the opposing units of measure of the Receiving versus Source item numbers.
In this example, 16 1 ounce.

Select the source Lot#

5. Select the source Lot#
Select the Source Lot # from the listing provided.

The Quantity from Source is automatically calculated

6. The Quantity from Source is automatically calculated
Upon selecting the lot #, the system automatically calculates the quantity of the source item consumed within transaction.  The system will automatically change the number of decimals of the source item to three (3) to correctly address partial use.

Select Create to complete the transfer

7. Select Create to complete the transfer
Selecting Create will process the redistribution of the selected source item to the receiving item at the requested rates.

Inventory Adjustments reports.

The end results as viewed from the Receiving and Source items' Inventory Adjustments reports.
How Lot Break Works

Resulting on-hand of the Receiving Item

1. Resulting on-hand of the Receiving Item

Transactional Quantity, Cost and Extended cost

2. Transactional Quantity, Cost and Extended cost

Resulting on-hand of the Source Item

3. Resulting on-hand of the Source Item

Transactional Quantity, Cost and Extended cost

4. Transactional Quantity, Cost and Extended cost