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Multi-Store Inventory
Inventory Characteristics at all Multi-store installations
From the Home Office's Perspective:
SKUs that are added to inventory at a store are automatically added all stores inventories
Home office automatically transfers inventory information occurring at each individual store
From the Store's Perspective:
A SKU added to inventory is automatically added to all stores via the TransActPOS Multi-store application
Electronic catalogs are maintained at each store location independently. Each location is required to import new data into their store's electronic catalogs via the IOR Vendor communications process or the import of vendor spreadsheets
Retail Price Options
Central control of retail prices from a single store: prices are transferred to other stores thus requiring the other stores to print labels, place labels and then update retail prices once labels placed. Highly recommended to have a single person in charge of price updates at the main store. Additionally, the topic of unit of measure must be kept consistent between the locations. Consider this position to be the Inventory and Pricing Czar. THis person will also be responsbile to confirm that each store prints, applies and updates their store to the published price updates.
Locally control on select items thus not allowing the Central control all items
Per store control of all prices thus requiring each store to process Ecatalog Price Control or manual individual price updates. Each store prints new price labels
Inventory may be transferred between stores by a direct transfer, or the Purchase Order and Sales Order process