
For a comparison between a sales order and a quote, see the video What is the difference between a Quote and a Sales Order?  For more information on creating a quote, see Sales Orders:  Quote Creation.  For more information on converting a quote to a sales order, see the video Sales Orders: Convert Quote to SO
A quote provides prices to a customer for consideration prior to purchase.  It can be converted to a sales order once approved by the customer.  When a quote is converted, the appropriate quantity of items is allocated to the order.  Quotes are not included in the recommended reorder reports.
Click Modify Order on the SO module menu to open a quote.  A quote uses the same form as a sales order, with the exception of a few buttons at the bottom of the form and the Options 2 tab of the Main tab.  For detailed information on the Main and Detail tabs, see Main Tab and Detail Tab.

Quote Form

The quote form does not include the Payment, Ship, and Receive buttons.

Options 2



1. Copy
This allows you to create a copy of an existing quote or sales order.  All information is copied as is but can be edited and saved as usual.
Upon clicking Copy, you are prompted to get the customer for the new order.  By default, the same customer is entered.  Click Accept to continue or Retry to select a different customer.
Select whether to create a quote or a sales order.
The quote is copied to a new quote or sales order including the selected customer's information.  The originating quote number is documented in the Comments field. 

Create RFQs

2. Create RFQs
If you need to obtain pricing for items on the quote, you can create Requests for Quote to send to vendors. 
Upon clicking Create RFQs, the Select PO Creation screen opens.  Check which items to place on the RFQ, or check Order Item to select all items.  Click Proceed.
An RFQ PO is created.  You can print or display the PO listing report.  Click Cancel to return to the quote screen.
You can find the PO number on the PO listing report.
You can also find the PO number on the Detail tab of the quote by selecting the item.
Click the ... button to view the RFQ PO.

Print RFQs

3. Print RFQs
You can print or email each RFQ PO on a sales order.  Check which RFQ POs to print or email, and click Proceed.
You can print the RFQ PO in PO form or in report form.
Here is an example of an RFQ PO in PO form:
Here is an example of an RFQ PO in report form:

Convert Quote

4. Convert Quote
You can a quote to a sales order when the customer is ready to purchase items, or you can convert it to an order pricer, which is used to provide pricing to a contractor.  Items cannot ship from an order pricer, nor can payments be received against one.
Select whether to convert the quote to a sales order or an order pricer.
A sales order or order pricer is created with the same order number as the quote.  If converting to an order pricer, you are prompted to confirm that you wish to convert.  Type YES and click OK.
The status of an order pricer can be changed back to a quote, from which it can be converted to a sales order if needed.  Click Change Status on the Options 2 tab of the Main tab.
Click Quote.

Finding an Existing Quote

Click Modify Order to find an existing quote.  You can search for just quotes by selecting the filter Quotes Only and clicking Find Now.  Click on the correct quote, and click Select.