Since Physical

The Last Physical Since On-Hand report shows the value of items that have been physically adjusted since the last on-hand report was run.
Since Physical

Beginning Date

1. Beginning Date
Enter the date of the last on-hand report (the date from which to start the report).


2. Categorization
You can categorize report results by class, location, or nothing.

CSV and Data View

3. CSV and Data View
CSV Export is only available for a By Class or By Location report.  Summarize Data View is only available for a By Class report.
Check CSV Export to export the item information to a CSV file.  The file path is shown upon clicking Generate.
A master file is created showing all items, as well as a file for each class.
Here is an example of the master CSV file:
Checking Summarize Data View minimizes the fields available to select for Data View to those shown.

Value Price

4. Value Price
You can display value based on your store retail price or MSRP.

Result Display Options

5. Result Display Options
Select the data to display with the report results.
Here is an example of a default Since Physical report:
Here is an example of a report organized by location displaying MSRP and ECatalog cost: