System-Wide FeaturesReport Drill Down
Many reports contain embedded hyperlinks that allow additional detailed information. A single report supports multiple drill-down selections. For instance, while viewing a summarized invoice listing report and selecting the hyperlinked invoice number, the system presents the invoice details. While within the selected invoice details, selecting a hyperlinked item number, the related item information screen appears. Additionally, all reports are text searchable with the find button, and multiple output types are available.
![]() DataView
The DataView feature provides the user with the ability to sort and filter reports results. The resulting columnar data set can be exported or emailed as a Microsoft Excel or a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file.
![]() Messenger
Staying in contact with employees is critical to providing a high level of customer service. TransActPOS Messenger allows users to send a message between individuals for immediate delivery. Scheduled delivery of messages, screen captures, and scheduled reports can be presented within the resulting activities list. Messages may be broadcast to all team members or directed to the selected user(s).
![]() Report Favorites
The group of TransActPOS modules contains over 300 reports. Various options change the date range, the reported detail, and the report's scope within most reports. Rather than choosing the settings each time the report is desired, the Report Favorites feature allows the user to save the relative settings and then Load the report from the Report Favorites or from within the selected report Favorites option.
![]() Delivered Scheduled Reports
The Scheduled Reports feature emails the selected Report Favorite report selection to the user(s) at the selected time(s) and daily schedule. Options are available to utilize iPhone Accessibility and have the report read to the recipient.
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