
Various Methods of sending POs to vendors


Various Methods of sending POs to vendors

IOR Communications

For EDI vendors POs can be directly submitted via the requisite IOR menus.  From the communication screen of the selected vendor, check the box of the PO to be submitted and select start.  (note:  If a PO is still in the “Pre-PO” status it will not be available in the list of Unprocessed Purchase Orders)


By selecting the “Email Form” button you can send a PDF copy of the Purchase order to your vendor.  This would be for non-EDI vendors.  Be sure to change the transmission of the PO to submitted.  


Simply call and let you vendor know what needs to be ordered.  Again, be sure to mark the PO as submitted. 

Upload to vendor website

If your vendor has the ability to process CSV files on their website you may also export the PO as a CSV from the main tab on the PO screen.  
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