Version 4.008.554 - March 28, 2022
Statements can now be viewed or be reprinted for all customers or for a selection of customers by going to AR:Reports:Statements and selecting the date and the run number (if statements were run more than once on the same day). Select or de-select all customers by clicking on the dots to the left of the “Cust. ID” header.
Item retail may be edited during inventory receipt (desktop) based on the current percent margin and the average receipt cost. These changes are recorded and can be viewed in adjustments or exceptions reports.
All UPC values for each item are now included in the EZ-Ecommerce upload file.
There is now an option for an additional copy of non-taxed invoices to be printed at the end of the sale (System:Workstation:Printing:Additional Copies).
Sales Report now has additional fields available for export in Dataview: Minimum, Maximum, and Order Qty.
Bug Fixes
Sales data generated when sales are made using a Repeat Rewords promotion is not being sent to Repeat Rewards. Corrected