Version 4.008.616 - 4.008.618 - January 25, 2023
Added Customer’s Entered Date to the fields available for DataView export in Sales Report.
Added Cashier field to the Suspended Sales listing report.
Added ability to auto-add item ID with root of UPC Code (System:Company Company Setup:Inventory 1:Auto add makes Item ID Primary UPC).
MultiStore price update process will now resend prices to other store(s).
Item Inventory drill through and edit/save will no longer close the item record.
Moved re-cost button for PO editing to Detail page.
Eliminated ability on handheld to enter number of faces for items to a number greater than 9 through the keyboard to prevent incorrect data entry.
Compressed rental printout to 1 page for 8.5 x 11 form even when credit card payment is used.
“Lookup by” will now refresh when there is a change made in item file.
Blue Bar when grabbed on the lower half launches Help.
Adjustment report (IC:Reports) now includes Location field and has the ability to drill-down to item records.
Bug Fixes
There may be an error when incorrect file is selected for Margin Master (Variable ‘CITEMID’ is not found). Corrected
Typing too many characters with the touchscreen keyboard will exceed the space for the form’s caption. Corrected
Numeric overflow error may be generated when running Time Clock Posting report. Corrected
In PO detail page, adding new and item with substitutes can cause an error. Corrected
An error may occur when saving Vendor Parts report to file for Emery Jensen. Corrected
Incorrect error message that another user has changed the record when doing physical adjustments on the handheld. Corrected
In Rental Contract Wizard, clicking on Change Qty for merchandise with no merchandise present generates an error. Corrected
When creating a new rental contract, the minute and/or the hour spinner may generate an error when F2 is pressed. Corrected
Clicking on Allocations box on item screen when the value is 0 may generate an error. Corrected
Purchase Order Receipts and Returns report calculates Stk Cost incorrectly when stock and purchase units are different factors. Corrected
Importing ECatalog file from a read-only folder causes error during file Import. Corrected