Version 4.008.658 - 4.008.659 - August 2, 2023


  • Separate finance charges may now be generated for each job. Setting must be turned on (System:Company Setup:Accounts Receivable 1:Invoice Finance Charges by job). When turned on, it will work for all customers that have jobs.
  • Added a check for expiration date on sales orders when refreshing pricing.
  • Added MultiStore feature to resubmit price changes from the Price Changes report (IC:Reports:Price Changes). Data/Label button now has an option for MultiStore.
  • Rental deposit will only show Cash and Check when the Verifone unit is installed to avoid confusion since those Verifone may not be used for rental deposits.
  • Added a feature to allow (usually agricultural customers) to make specific items non-taxed that would be taxed for the general public.
  • Added a note to Sales report to explain that “p” indicates pricing based on a promotion.

Bug Fixes

  • Automated IOR process may fail with “LOITEMINFO is not found” error. Corrected
  • When saving a purchase order, the check for combined items may cause an infinites loop. Corrected
  • MultiStore Monitor may quit unexpectedly. Corrected