Version 4.008.724 - 4.008.726 - October 18, 2024
Customer Listing report now allows for exporting on nFinChrg field.
New setting (System:Company Setup:Accounts Receivable 1:Cash Based Accounting) will automatically default Sales Tax report to cash based rather than accrued.
When canceling the creation of a new sales order, there is now a confirmation option to delete the sales order.
Added ability to allow for changing the Terms field value without saving then re-editing a sales order.
Added the freight and handling in the comment section of Adjustments report (IC:Reports:Adjustments) if present and only for detailed report and only receipts (requires data version 4.0082).
Added new sales report for hourly sales (POS:Reports:Sales by Day/Hr).
Bug Fixes
Reorder Report creating a PO even when no items were ordered. (Items with a 0 order qty still adds the line to the PO.) Corrected
DIB drop ship items not adding to market PO. Note: display items will still need to be added manually. Corrected
Individual kit items are not shipping in sales orders. Corrected
Orgill taxonomy department not adding from catalog. Note: requires reprocessing by clicking Taxonamy button in Orgill info again if the process was already run. Corrected