Work Area's and Sales Link Code's Influence on General Ledger Distribution
| For companies that desire to have defined Profit Centers within their organization, the assignment of the GL Suffix to the Work Area will append to the indicated Sales, Sales Discount and Cost of Goods Sold account number the indicated Suffix. Creating a distribution report as follows:
Work Group can influence the Suffix value of an account number
With the addition of a account suffix, the general ledger distribution will report the specific Work Area's Sales, Sales Discount and Cost of Good sold
Account Suffix values can be controlled by the Work Area
The Work Area can determine the account number being utilized by the system when posting the sale to the general ledger distribution report.
Same product sold as above but from a difference Work Area
In this example, the same product was sold but from a different Work Area that was assigned to the workstation.
Sales Link Codes override the Work Area General Ledger affect
A Sales Link Code will direct the sale of a product to a specific account based upon the Sales, Sales Discount, and Cost of Good Sold (COGS) defined within the Sales Link Code.