(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2025 Build: 4.008.760 Help ID: 6839
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3rd Party Count Service
To create an export file for a third party service to count the store's inventory, the following utility provides the for each SKU based upon the following parameters.
Typically a full inventory is selected so no filtering is entered.
In this example, Orgill is the selected vendor.
Locate the vendor by selecting the ... (Ellipse) to locate the selected vendor.
Locate the vendor, if desired to filter to a single vendor.
Select Generate to to begin the processing of the report/file.
If no Vendor is indicated, the following prompt will appear. Respond appropriately.
The system will prompt the user to Generate & Export or Generate Only.
Select Generate & Export so that the system will prompt the user for the output name and location of the file.
Important: Make note of the name and the location of the file being created. The user may name and place the file anywhere the prefer. Simply remember where you placed the file so that you can copy and send to the 3rd part service.
Selecting the Save button the system will begin to extract the requested data.
The system progress is reported which will vary depending upon the inventory filter applied and the speed of the system.
Output Files
Within the specified directed indicted during the naming of the file, the system will generate two files.
Both files should be provided to the 3rd party service company to setup their inventory counting system.