Promotion Maintenance

You can create a promotion with your own list of items and prices for a specific date range, or you can select a vendor promotion.  When a promotional item is entered into Ring Sale, the system compares the promotional price to other applicable discounts and pricing schedules to determine the best price for the customer.
Upon clicking Promotion Maintenance, the Promotion Maintenance screen opens on the List tab.  All existing promotions are listed.
Promotion Maintenance

List Tab

1. List Tab
This displays all existing promotions.

Properties and Details Tabs

2. Properties and Details Tabs
Select a promotion from the list and click the Properties tab or the Details tab to view more information about it.


You can filter the promotions list for active, future, past, or inactive promotions.

New Promotion

4. New Promotion
Click New to create a promotion.


5. Delete
Click Delete to delete and existing promotion.