Find a Sales Order

Existing sales orders can be found by clicking SO | Modify Order.  The Find Sales Order screen can be set to open automatically upon clicking Modify Order by checking Auto-Find on Modify SO in System | Company Setup | Sales Orders 2.  Otherwise, click Find on the sales order to open the Find Sales Order screen.
Find a Sales Order
Find a Sales Order

Search Criteria

1. Search Criteria
You can search for a sales order by any of the available search criteria.  You can enter as many criteria as desired to narrow the search results.

Search Filters

2. Search Filters
You can filter results to only display the selected orders.  By default, Open Sales Orders is selected. 

Find Now

3. Find Now
Click Find Now to display orders matching the search criteria entered.  Alternatively, you can press the Enter key to display search results.
Clicking Find Now without entering any search criteria displays all orders.


4. Select
Click Select after highlighting the correct order in the search results to open the order.


5. Clear
This clears the previously entered search criteria.

Close Window

6. Close Window
This closes the Find Sales Order screen upon selecting an order.  If this is unchecked, the Find Sales Order screen remains open in the background.

Search Results

7. Search Results
All orders matching the search criteria and selected filter are listed.