
Contractor Mode

Contractor mode allows a customer to designate a contractor for a sales order so that the contractor can purchase and pick up items on behalf of the customer.  In System | Company Setup | Sales Orders 1, "Contractor" mode Sales Order must be checked to enable this feature. 
A customer can be designated as a contractor by selecting Contractor from the Descriptor drop-down menu in AR | Customer File | Settings Tab.   
Upon creating a sales order or quote, click Select in the Contractor section to select a contractor.
Contractor Mode
 The Find Customer screen opens for you to select a customer that has been designated a contractor.  Clicking Find Now lists all customers marked 'contractor'.  Select the correct customer, and click Accept on the next screen.
You are prompted to enter or confirm the expiration date.
The contractor is shown on the sales order.
When the quote is accepted by the customer, click Convert Quote.
Contractor Mode
You can convert the quote to a sales order or an order pricer.  An order pricer is used to price items so that a contractor can purchase them for a customer at the customer's price.  From Ring Sale, a contractor can purchase items from either a sales order or an order pricer.  However, from the SO module, items cannot be shipped from an order pricer, nor can payments be made.
If you select Order Pricer, you are prompted to confirm you wish to convert to an order pricer.  Type YES and click OK.
When the contractor is ready to purchase items, enter them at Ring Sale, and enter the contractor's customer ID as the customer.
At End Sale, select Account Charge as the payment type.  The Select Sales Order screen opens for you to select the sales order or order pricer to apply the purchase to.  Click on the correct sales order, and click Select.
The prices on the sales order are applied to the invoice.  The charge is applied to a purchase order number consisting of the customer's ID and the sales order number.
Contractor Mode
This is also shown on the invoice, as well as the contractor's statement.
Contractor Mode
Contractor Mode
The sales order or order pricer immediately reflects the purchase in the shipped quantity.
Contractor Mode