

Vendors are providers of products and services from other manufacturers or service providers.  Provide the required information for each vendor created within the system and then proceed to the Setup tab.  If Purchase Orders are included as an option in the installation, the vendor file will be referenced during the creation of purchase orders.
In the newest version, you can assign Contacts and Activity to each vendor as you would to a customer in your Customer File. Refer to the following pages to learn how to set up Contacts and use the Activity button.
Select Add to create a new vendor or Find for an existing vendor.
Select the appropriate vendor to Edit or Delete.
If the vendor will have an Ecatalog, check the box for ECatalog Vendor. If you want a prefix added to the sku when you add it to inventory, put the Prefix in. If the inventory will be Non-Stock, check the Non-STK Box. Finally if items will only sell single units , i.e. not a roll/ft, check the box for Only Single Units.

Ecatlog Vendor

Checked indicates that the vendor does have a related electronic catalog


Entering a Prefix value will allow the system to add the indicated Prefix Characters to the beginning of the Item ID


When Checked, the items from this vendor are setup as Non-Stock items. Inventory Control > Inventory File > Type of Inventory > Non-Stock

Only Single Units

All items imported to the inventory will be setup as a single unit of measure, EA1.


When checked, this vendor will be the Primary Vendor within the Lookup By screen.

Always PV (Always Primary Vendor)

When checked, this vendor will be placed ahead of other vendor's that may have the "Primary Vendor" checked. The vendor with the with the Always PV will be the Primary Vendor while all others will be Secondary Vendors (SVPN)"

Scndry (Secondary)

When checked, this vendor will be a Secondary Vendor within the Lookup By screen.

No Back Orders

Upon receiving a purchase order, the system would not prompt the user to create a back order purchase order, if checked.

Pricing Vendor