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Product Codes
The Product Codes Matrix consists of inventory item classification of Product Codes 1 - 20 and customer classification of Groups A - F. (Note: The number of Product Codes can be increased in System | Company Setup | Inventory Page 3.) For each cell, one of many different pricing schemes can be selected.
- None is the same as the regular retail prices
- Retail -, is the regular retail price minus the entered percentage
- Cat Cost +, is the ECatalog cost (or last cost) of the item plus the entered percentage
- Avg Cost +, is the average cost (or last cost) of the item plus the entered percentage.
- Cat Cost GM allows you to gain a gross margin for an item, basing it off of the ECatalog cost. The percent entered is your gross margin.
- Avg Cost GM allows you to gain a gross margin for an item, basing it off of the average cost. The percent entered is your gross margin.
- Manual is the price entered for the item in the inventory file pricing for that item
You can have multiple groupings of prices for the different product codes, hence the Groups A-F. The customer will get the given pricing for the group they are designated to.
Once a Product Code is entered in IC | Inventory File | Pricing or General for an item, the pricing scheme will be applied to the item's retail price and the appropriate prices will be displayed for all groups on the Pricing tab.
When a Product Code Group is selected in AR | Customer File | Settings | Pricing for a customer, the corresponding Product Code/Group price will be used as the selling price unless a lower price is available for the item.