

The On-hand Report provides a dollar amount for the on-hand items in your inventory, the potential profit, and the number of SKUs and items in your inventory.  Utilize the Item Listing Report or the (On-hand) As of Report if a detailed item listing is required. Once the report is generated, it can be previewed, printed, or saved as a PDF file.
Note: During the sale of an item, if the Retail Price is zero, the MSRP will be substituted for the selling price.

Include Report by Class

Selecting this option will also include a report with each class listed.

Inventory Value Price

This allows you to switch between Retail Price and MSRP. Whichever is selected will be the reported price.

Exclude Negative On-Hands

Checking this option will exclude any item with a negative on-hand from the report.

Show Cost

Checking this box will show the cost on the report. Unchecking will exclude (from the sample report below): On-Hand Cost Value, Potential Profit Dollars, and Potential Profit Percentage.

Cost Basis

Show Cost must be selected, but if it is, you can select the basis for the cost reported. You can choose from Average Cost, Last Cost, and ECatalog Cost.

Show Quantity

Selected this box will show the box identifying the number of SKUs and items in the inventory.

Serial Items Only

Selecting this option will only report on items that are serialized in your inventory. This is particularly useful for rental installations.

Sample Report
