As Of ReportThe On-hand As of Report provides an inventory value as of the specified date. The criteria are similar to those found within the On-Hand Report. The only difference is this report is run as of a specific date.
This report is useful for calculation of the end of year or period inventory totals. Since TransActPOS is date sensitive, end of month and year closing for TransActPOS is calculated automatically. This report will allow you to create inventory reports that fit your schedule, not the calendar. If you need an end of year inventory on hand report for tax purposes, you do not have to baby sit your computer on December 31st waiting for your report. You can run this report Jan 1st, 2nd, 15th, or whenever in the future. The report will run faster if it is generated closer to the date in question (less calculations must be performed). So now you can enjoy that New Years Eve party.
Include Report by ClassSelecting this option will also include a report with each class listed.
Inventory Value PriceThis allows you to switch between Retail Price and MSRP. Whichever is selected will be the reported price.
Exclude Negative On-HandsChecking this option will exclude any item with a negative on-hand from the report.
Show CostChecking this box will show the cost on the report. Unchecking will exclude (from the sample report below): On-Hand Cost Value, Potential Profit Dollars, and Potential Profit Percentage.
Cost BasisShow Cost must be selected, but if it is, you can select the basis for the cost reported. You can choose from Average Cost, Last Cost, and ECatalog Cost.
Show QuantitySelected this box will show the box identifying the number of SKUs and items in the inventory.
Serial Items OnlySelecting this option will only report on items that are serialized in your inventory. This is particularly useful for rental installations.
Sample Report |