(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2025 Build: 4.008.757 Help ID: 549
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Item History
This report will show you the sales history of any given item or set of items. Creating this report by manufacturer has proven to be a valuable report to take with you to dealer shows.
Sales History
This is the primary option for the report. You can set the report to report the sales history for either 5 years, 6 months, or 12 months.
Using this drop down menu, you will select the Vendor of the item(s) you wish to view the sales history of. You can press the button next to the drop down to bring up a find box.
Order by
The option selected here will change the order of items shown on the report. You can order the report by Item Number, Description, Class, or Vendor+Class+Code.
Divide Total Sales by
The value entered in this field will divide the total sales of the report by the given value. Note that the average will exclude the current month.
Include On Order and Allocated
Checking this box will include items that are on order (Purchase Orders) and/or allocated (Sales Orders).
Include Not Resellable
Checking this box will include not resellable items. Refer to IC > File Maintenance > General tab > Resellable for more information.
Include Not Available
Checking this box will include items that are not available. Refer to IC > File Maintenance > General tab > Not Available for more information.
Report Filters (Right Side)
On the right side of the report is where you enter the majority of the filters for the actual report. Depending on what you want the report to actually show, you can enter as many or as little (or none) information in these filters. Granted, the more filters you have, the more detailed your report will be. If you leave all fields blank, it will report on ALL items that match the parameters set on the left side. The filters on the right are as follows:
Item ID or Portion (enter a specific item number or a portion of one to display all matches)
Location or Portion (enter a specific location or a portion of one to display all matches)
Class (checking exact match will look for exactly what is in the field; multi allows multiple classes to be reported)
Manufacturer (pressing the button brings up a list, in case you don't know the exact value)