
General Tab

The General Tab contains a wide variety of elements pertaining to the characteristics of the inventory item.  Selecting Edit will allow the user to modify the field contents.
Certain buttons in the image below are clickable. Clicking them, like clicking the links below the image, will take you to a help page discussing that particular feature.
General Tab

Item Header

1. Item Header
- The Grid button provides easy access to the picture grid managed within Grid Layout POS
Item ID - Item numbers are an alphanumeric relationship to a specific SKU within the inventory system.  
The Item ID can be changed and the system will retain all historic information.  The system will prompt the user to retain the "old" Item ID that will be stored within the Lookup By listing.
Clone (cln) - creates a duplicate of the item under a new item ID 
Print Label  -  print an item label for the current item
Sales History  -  The Sales History button presents a sales summary for the current year of the selected item
The item description field allows up to 70 characters to describe the product.  Further information can be placed within item notes.
The TA ID field contains the cost of the currently selected item.  If you reverse the sequence of the item's cost,  the digits to the left of the two alpha characters indicate the cents portion of the cost reversed.  The digits to the right of the alpha characters indicate the reversed dollar value of the item.
Actual Cost
Why, you say?  From the main menu, select the Inventory (F4) button within the Shortcut area of the screen.  Inventory information will appear, but it will not include cost information.  This will allow a sales clerk to freely review the inventory module with a customer without disclosing cost information.

Item Types

2. Item Types
Item Type
Item Type describes different types of inventory (i.e. stock vs non-stock).  Further details are available within "Types of Inventory".  Comment Item Type will print a comment without any quantity or price on the invoice.
Note: Item Type can not be edited if there is stock on hand for an item.
An item can be defined as Serial (Serialized numbers), Cut pieces, Board foot, Weight, or Distinct. The CPM must be set to Mxt Qty.  Once an item is defined to be Serial with items in inventory, it can not be changed back to None.  If Serial is selected, the Decimals field is dropped.  Cut Pcs items will be prompted for the dimensions to calculate the price when sold.  Board Ft will add the Bd Ft field to the item screen.  The total board feet of the item can then be entered.  The MBF, thousand board feet, for the item will then be displayed and printed on the invoice.  For Weight items, the Gross and Tare weights will be entered to calculate the Net weight for the retail price. Distinct item types will not be combined or summarized with like items on an invoice. If the Item Type is "Coupon," you can change the Matrix to the type of coupon you want (Percent off or Dollar off).
Note: Matrix can not be edited if there is stock on hand for an item.


3. Locations
The location field indicates the physical location within the store.  Typically, aisles will be assigned a location code (A1,A2, B1, B2, etc...) and the inventory will be assigned to this location by entering the location code in this field.
Cat. Pg.
The Catalog Page field is used to indicate the page number where the current item is located in the manufacturer’s product catalog.
Country of Origin
This field is used to designate the country in which the item was manufactured.


4. Balances
The Balances area shows the various quantities related to Service Tickets (WIP), Sales Orders (Allocated), Purchase Orders (On Order), shelf quantity (On-hand) and shelf quantity - allocated (Available).
No Refunds
Select this option to not allow refunds for the selected item.
WIP (Work in Process) is the quantity of items that are currently present in a Service Ticket but yet not invoiced.  Upon invoicing the Service Ticket this value will be adjusted.  Items that are placed in a service ticket reduce the On-hand quantity and reported within the WIP Qty field. Tapping on this quantity will reveal the current service tickets representing the stated value.
The Allocated quantity is the total quantity of the selected item that is held within open Sales Orders.  Tapping on this quantity will reveal the current sales orders representing the stated value.
On Order
The quantity of product which is held within Purchase Orders is represented in this field at the current stocking unit. Tapping on this quantity will reveal the current purchase orders representing the stated value.
Red Font in the On Order Field
If the On Order field shows a red zero, the system contains two or more purchase orders which net total of zero.
In the example below, PO number 75 contains an order for 50 units while PO number 82 - a Return PO - contains a return of 50 units.  The net total of the current purchase order activity will be zero.  When the total of purchase orders and return purchase orders equal zero, the system will display a red zero in the On Order field.  Double clicking on the field will display the list of purchase orders.
A more detailed list of open purchase orders is available within the Reports | On POs.
On Hand
On Hand is the total quantity from the shelf and warehouse locations.
The Available quantity is the current On-hand less the Allocated (Sales Order) quantity. 
Display Unit of Measure General Tab
The Display Unit allows for the selection of the desired unit of measure as it relates to the on-hand quantity.
Clicking on the pick list box will display the Unit of Measure Selector Screen to enable the selecting of a unit of measure to be used only on the Inventory File screen.

Display Unit and Q-ECat

5. Display Unit and Q-ECat
Display Unit
The Display Unit allows for the selection of the desired unit of measure as it relates to the on-hand quantity.
Lists the E-Catalog information for this item, if it is available.


6. Tabs
General - information about the core parameters of the current item
Prices - topics ranging from price matrix results, multiple selling prices, sales prices and contract prices are presented here
Lookup By - references to UPC, Vendor part numbers, and Short Barcodes (SBC) are supported within this tab
Sales - accumulated sales information is presented along with yearly sales history
GL Accts - Sales Link Codes and specific GL account selections can be designated within this screen
Notes - Selling and Purchase notes as well as desired image of the item controlled from this tab
Reports - Item specific reports are access in this tab

Resell and Taxation Controls

  The Ag Taxation Option allow the taxation of items to automatically apply the desired non-tax status to items for customer that are taxable for the majority of items within the retail store but non-taxed for selected agricultural items.
7. Resell and Taxation Controls
Uncheck this box if the item is no longer available in the inventory for sale. With this option unchecked, the item will not appear within the items listing by default. 
To view these items using the Find Item function, uncheck the Only Resellable Items to view these hidden items.
General Tab
Webstore Item
Checking this option will allow the current item to be uploaded to the designated eCommerce site configured with TransActPOS.   Utilize Mass Item Changes to change multiple item settings instead of single items edits to save time.
Variable Costing
With the Variable Cost checked, the system will derive a cost for the selected item based upon the retail price entered within the document.  The Variable Cost % field will appear within the Pricing section of the screen.  Enter the percentage of retail that will represent the cost of goods sold (COGS) for the item.
Independent of the tax status of the target customer, indicate if sales tax applies to the item.  The sales tax report will provide a summary of collected tax for a specific period.  A check mark indicates that the current item is taxable.
Tax Table
The Tax Class further defines the tax status of the current item.  Further details are available within Taxation.
If Used, Commodity Price Matrix is selected in System | Company Setup |POS Information 2.  Select either Column or Matrix Quantity Breaks scheme.  Column Quantity Breaks allows for price breaks for quantity purchases.  Matrix Quantity Breaks allows price breaks for different types of quantity price breaks.

Decimals and Dimensions

8. Decimals and Dimensions
If partial amounts of the sellable unit can be sold, enter the number of decimal places to be used.
The Height, Width, and Length dimensions are presented with the Matrix type of Board Ft or Square Ft are designated for the item.  With the these matrix types selected, the Calculator icon appear that when selected will present the Material type selector for the item and the dimensions entry screen requests the HWL of the product.  Selecting Calculate then calculates the volume of the stocking unit. This volume value is used to convert the per thousand board foot cost to the stocking unit of measure.
Ship Single Box
This option is restricted to specific TransActPOS installations based on Serial number.  Selecting this option, notifies the individual shipping the Sales Order Items shipped in a single Box (Yes) or Multiple Boxes (No) to provide UPS tracking.
Enter the weight of the sellable unit.  The total weight of an Quote, Sales Order, and Invoice will appear at the bottom left of the documents for items that have an indicated weight.


9. Controls
Special Order
Checking the Special Order option invokes a number of unique capabilities of this item type:
  • Entry of description
  • Entry of retail price
  • Entry of cost
The Item ID for this type of item may be entered as "SOI" for Special Order Item which is only a name.  Checking this option turns of the unique feature when quoting, selling, or ordering products that are not typically stocking products.  These items typically have an Item Type of Non-Stock.
Not Available
The option indicates to the user that the specific item is no longer available from the vendor.  Items with the Not Available selected will not appear within the Reorder process nor within the Purchase Order Detail screen.  The Mass Item Changes utility can assist in changing this value on a large scale instead of individual edits.
No Discounts
Checking the "No Discounts" option prevents any discounting on the current item. This only applies to regular discounts such as percentage or dollar off.  If you also want to include No Payment Discount, you will need to turn on the setting under Company Setup->Inventory Page 1.  "No Payment Discount" is added to the item description within the resulting invoice if the No Payment Discount option is checked within the Company Setup > Inventory Control Page 1.
Stock Alert
The Stock Alert feature allows the system to notify the user that a reorder requirement has been met for the indicated item. If a stocked item has the 1) Stock Alert Checked and the 2) item's on-hand quantity is below the Min stock level, then this item will meet the requirements to be posted to the Stock Alert item list.  To run stock alert, go to IC | Stock Alert and set the counter for the interval of time for TransActPOS to recheck itself.  If any items are found in the status, select Details to view the listing.  The Inventory Stock Alert runs on one workstation.  If TransActPOS is closed on this workstation, the Stock Alert must be restarted.  
Review IC  | Stock Alert for further details and implementation steps. 
Review the following Stock Alert for further details of the Stock Alert application.
No Mass Pricing
Check this box to enable the retail price to be protected from automatic price adjustments within the Mass Price Program. This action also allows these types of items to be filtered within the ECatalog Price Comparison Tool.
No 3rd Party
Check this box to exclude 3rd Party Pricing tools (such as Margin Master) from making retail price changes to the item.  This action also allows these types of items to be filtered within the ECatalog Price Comparison Tool.
WebStore Item
A future option for on-line web sales.
Drop Ship Item
This item will be dropped shipped to the provided address.
Warranty Info
With the Warranty Info option checked, the system will prompt the user for an existing customer or new customer to assign to the sale of the product.  This option is typically turned on for Stock Serialized items to provide customer information for warranties.  Check out Serialization Overview for additional information.
If the TransActPOS Service Ticket Module is activated, the creation of the service ticket can locate the history serialized sales to assist in the building of the service ticket and automatically fil in the Make Model and Serial number of the product being serviced.  Check out Service Tickets Overview for additional information.
Force Del. Ticket
Always print a delivery ticket for this item


10. Gets
Checking any of the get options, the system will present to the field for edit or entry of the pertinent information.
  • Description
  • Quantity
  • Price
  • Salesperson
Note: Items with a blank description or a zero retail price will automatically have the field presented to the user when the item is selected.


11. Labeling
During the receiving process, depending upon the options selected at the time of processing, an item label can be printed.  A number of variables will determine if the label will print.  Please review the receiving options for further information.
During the receiving process, depending upon the options selected at the time of processing, a bin label can be printed.  A number of variables will determine if the label will print.  Please review the receiving options for further information.
For systems that have the integrated ESL (Electronic Shelf Labels) and the item has been linked to the ESL within the TransActPOS Wireless application, this option will be checked.  Only within the TransActPOS Wireless application can this value be changed. Electronic Shelf Labels Videos
During the IOR receiving process, there is a check box on the receiving screen that is displayed indicating that a security tap needs to be placed on this item.
Enter the number of facings this SKU occupies on the shelf. When printing labels, the number of labels printed for this SKU will match the number placed in this field.
If you have additional locations selected for the sku, when you print labels with the option to print labels for additional locations turned on in company setup (See here), the number of labels that print will be based on the facings. (i.e. if I have one location and facings set to 2, I will get 2 labels. If I have locations, I will get 4 labels.

Comment and Manufacturer

12. Comment and Manufacturer
An internal note pertaining to this item.
Mfg (Manufacturer)
The Mfg field represents the product's manufacturer.  The available pick list is maintained within Inventory Control | Support Files | Manufacturer.  Select the pick list icon and then select the appropriate manufacturer for the current item.
Refer to the Lookup By tab for further information about indicating primary and secondary vendors for the current inventory item.
Mfg Model
The Mfg Model indicates the manufacturer's model number for the current inventory item.
Indicate the substitute item number for the current item, if applicable.

Price and Cost information

13. Price and Cost information       
Internal Integer
The Internal Integer is part of the system's design which allows the user to change the Item ID of a product and not alter any of the historic data of an item.
MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price)
TransActPOS monitors the values entered into the MSRP and Retail fields.  At any time, the MSRP must be greater or equal to the retail price.  If the user enters a MSRP lower than the retail price, the system automatically changes the MSRP to the stated retail price.  This function guarantees that your retail price is never greater than the MSRP.
Current promotional price from the Prices tab > Sale Prices.  Promotions are managed (Add, Edit, Delete, Activate, & Report) within POS | File Maintenance | Promotions Maintenance
Selecting the Sale Prices button,  the user does have the option to delete the item from the current sale.  Use Promotions Maintenance to modify.
Retail Price
If no other discounts apply during the sale of the current item, this will be the price that appears on the invoice screen and will be charged to the customer.  Selecting the "Edit" button will allow the user to modify the price.
Rounded from:
When a Desired GP% value is entered, the system will calculate a new Retail Price for the item. If the resulting price falls within the found table parameters, the system will automatically enter the Rounded Retail Price into the Retail Price field.  The Rounded from: notation tells the user the basis of the rounding effect showing the original price from which the new retail Price started. Check out IC | Support Files| Rounding Table.
Cat. Cost
The Catalog Cost indicates the assigned cost from the source document (catalog).
Last Cost
Item's last order cost.  (Calculated and displayed, cannot be edited)
Avg. Cost
The current average cost for the item.  (Calculated and displayed, cannot be edited)
Weighted Average Cost
The unit cost is based on an average of all units of that item.  During the receipt of inventory, Inventory Control adds the total cost of all units received to the total current cost of the current items on-hand.  This total cost is then divided by the total on-hand quantity.
For Example:
Cost Per Unit
Extended Cost
Beginning Inventory
Inventory Receipt
Ending Inventory
The current item shows 10 units on-hand at $10 per unit.  An inventory receipt is posted for five units at $11 per unit.  The new on-hand quantity will be 15 and the cost per unit will be $10.33.
Cat. Cost GP%
The Catalog Cost GP% is based on your Catalog Cost. This percentage is based on MSRP versus Cat. Cost. (Calculated and displayed, cannot be edited)
Replace GP%
This GP% has a direct relation to your Retail price. This percentage takes your retail price and matches it against your catalog cost. If there is no catalog cost for an item, it uses the last cost instead. This field can be edited and will change your retail price accordingly. This can be very useful in getting the exact profit you desire.
Retail GP%
The Retail GP% is based on your Average Cost. This percentage is based on Retail versus Avg. Cost. (Calculated and displayed, cannot be edited)
For more information on Gross Profit %
Desired GP%
1) The GP% entered into this field will generate a new Retail Price on the screen when this value is edited.  If the Round Tables for this resulting price are present, the system will indicted the Rounded Retail Price.   Check out IC | Support Files| Rounding Table.
2) This field is also used during the Ecatalog Price Control process and will over-ride the catalog's price with the GP% based Retail Price with Rounding Table awareness. eCatalog Maintenance
BdFt (Board Foot)
If the Matrix is set as "Board Ft" and the dimensions are set, this button will display at a glance the prices and costs of 1000 board feet.


14. Controls
PrtScn - print the current screen to the workstation's report printer
 (Item Navigation Filter) - Navigates to next or previous item with corresponding arrows
Add  -  add a new item to the inventory file
Edit  -  edit the currently displayed item
Delete  -  delete the currently displayed item
Find  -  find another item in the inventory file
Associated items are additional items included on the invoice when the primary item is entered into an invoice
The Adjust Cost button allows the user to change the various types of cost of the current item
The Adjust Qty (quantity) allows the used to adjust the quantity of the item by posting either a receipt, issue or physical count of the item thus altering the on-hand level of the current item.

Taxonomy Source and Class to Fine Line

For a deeper look into taxonomy, check out the following link:
15. Taxonomy Source and Class to Fine Line
Taxonomy Source:  How is to be applied to the current item?
If the Edit button is selected at the bottom of the screen,  the drop-down button is available to to select the following options to assign the taxonomy of the inventory based upon a known structure from the default taxonomy of the select vendor or manually create a freehand taxonomy. The following four options are available and explained below.
E - eCatalog FineLine -
The TransActPOS Inventory and eCatalog system assigns to the item the FineLine of the default taxonomy.  This only works for items that have their PVPN assignment to the default taxonomy of the system.  If not
C - eCatalog Class
Selecting the C - eCatalog Class, the system assigns the single level of Class the the item as indicated by the default taxonomy.
A - Assigned FineLine
Selecting Edit and then selecting "A" Assigned FineLine, the user is presented with the taxonomy structure from which they will select from the structure provided the position within the taxonomy and ultimately the derivative FineLine.
General Tab

Select Edit and then change to Assigned

1. Select Edit and then change to Assigned

Left Click the Ellipse to activate
the default taxonomy structure

2. Left Click the Ellipse to activate 
the default taxonomy structure
With "Assigned" selected and Left Clicking on the Ellipse, the system will activate the taxonomy structure.

Select the position of the item
within the taxonomy structure

3. Select the position of the item 
within the taxonomy structure

Select Save when completed

4. Select Save when completed
M Manual Values
Manual Values allows the use to select from the available listings of Class, Code, Fine and SubFine as indicated within IC > Support Files.  The assignments are completely free hand and are based upon the users knowledge and placement of the selected into the structure of Class, Code, Fine and SubFine.
General Tab

Manually applied Class, Code and Fine structure

1. Manually applied Class, Code and Fine structure

"Manual" indicated as the source of the "taxonomy"

2. "Manual" indicated as the source of the "taxonomy"
Selecting "Manual" taxonomy, the user selects the Class, Code and Fine values from the list of available values found within the TransActPOS Support files.
At EZCommerce webstores, the Manually assigned taxonomy is automatically built by the EZCommerce system.  The example below presents the above taxonomy as described within the item.
Specify a class for the item from the pick list.  This identifier will be utilized during advanced lookup and reporting functions.
Specify a code for the item from the pick list.  This identifier will be utilized during advanced lookup and reporting functions.
Specify a fine for the item from the pick list.  This identifier will be utilized during advanced lookup and reporting functions.
Specify a sub-fine for the item from the pick list.  This identifier will be utilized during advanced lookup and reporting functions.
Indicate, from the available pick list, the appropriate season for the current item.  Review IC | Support Files | Seasons for list maintenance.
The classification code provided by the vendor for this item.
FineLine ... (Ellipse)
The FineLine value is sourced from a store's assigned vendor's taxonomy containing the structure of class, code, fine, Sub-Fine resulting in a unique FineLine value.
General Tab

Click to locate similar FineLine items

1. Click to locate similar FineLine items
If the item has an assigned FineLine, then clicking the Ellipse (...) will display the items within the inventory with the same FineLine value.
General Tab
An example of the above FineLine = 445N is shown in the diagram below.  From the screen below, the user may highlight and select the inventory page for the selected item.
If the item does not have assigned FineLine, this option is not available.

Core Unites of Measure

Stock Unit
Enter the unit of measure of the sellable unit.
No Price
Check this box in order to ONLY print the quantity break price on the label. This box will only be available if "Turn 'ON' No Price Item Feature" is checked within Company Setup | Inventory Page 1. This is useful when you are stocking a roll of cable and DO NOT sell the entire roll, only by the foot. This will avoid confusion among customers who see the roll price and ask to buy the roll but are unable to, as you only sell by the foot. For more information, see the video on Build 271 / 3.031 here.
Purchase Unit
Enter the unit of measure of the purchasing unit.
Item can only be purchased in the selected Purchase Units.
Order Qty
The order quantity indicates the default quantity to place on an order when reordering an item.
The Min field indicates the minimum quantity on-hand of the current inventory item. Checking the Protect box will remove the Min from being recalculated in the Recalculation of Minimums program.
Note: Order point is based on Inventory Item Minimum minus one.
This option excludes the item from recalculation of minimums.
The Max field indicates the maximum quantity on-hand of the current inventory item.

Matrix Codes

17. Matrix Codes
Product Code
A form of pricing based upon assigned product code and customer groups. Check out Product Codes for more information.
Quantity Code
A new form of pricing based on a quantity matrix. Check out Quantity Codes for more information.

Paint Fee and others

18. Paint Fee and others
Fee Item
Here, you can attach or "stick" a fee to any item. Click Fee Item to learn how.

Commissions and Dates

19. Commissions and Dates
No Commission
Check the No Commission box if this is not a commission item.
Comm. Cost
Enter the cost for commission for this item if it is different than the original cost for this item.
Indicate the available spiff (incentive dollars) for salesperson of the current item.  The spiff will be included in the commission’s calculation and report.
Last Physical
The date the amount of the physical inventory was changed via the Change Qty option.
The date the information for this item was first entered.