(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2025 Build: 4.008.758 Help ID: 247
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You can create a promotion with your own list of items and prices for a specific date range, or you can select a vendor promotion. When a promotional item is entered into Ring Sale, the system compares the promotional price to other applicable discounts and pricing schedules to determine the best price for the customer.
Upon clicking Promotions, the Promotion Maintenance screen opens on the List tab. All existing promotions are listed.
Details to include Print Labels, Print Listing of Promotion and Sales Report
Within the Details tab, the system includes
Promotional Cost Summary
Print Labels of promotional items with the indicated promotional price
Print Listing of promotional items with the current on-hand quantities
Sales Report in a comprehensive view of the Sales and the preceding inventory activity in preparation for the promotional sale
Print Listing Report
Sales Report Controls
The Sales Date range correlates to the actual sale dates of the products.
The Receipt Date Range is of interest to understand how much inventory was purchased in preparation of the promotional sale. Adjust this date to a date range that would include the receiving activity prior to the sale.