This page deals only with Commodity Pricing and Product and Quantity Codes.
Commodity Item Pricing
Here, you can select a Commodity Pricing matrix. These relate to a variety of areas in TransActPOS. Without this selected, you cannot utilize Scheme Matrices in the Mass Pricing section. Selecting No Commodity Pricing will disable being able to create and utilize a
Scheme Matrix of Pricing Schemes. Selecting MSRP/Retail/Qty Mxt will allow you to utilize the CPM for individual items as well as set up a Scheme Matrix for MSRP and Retail only. MSRP/Retail/A/B/C will do the same, only the Scheme Matrix will allow setting up pricing schemes for Column A, B, and C, as well as MSRP and Retail.
Auto-Generate new Item ID
Checking the Auto-Generate New Item ID option will allow the system to create a new integer for the item being created. The user may overwrite this value at their own digression.
Auto-Find in Inventory Maintenance
Selecting this option will open the Find window automatically every time you enter in the Inventory File. If the option is unchecked, you will be brought to the Inventory screen and you will have to manually click the Find button to open the Find Item screen.
Supersede Retail price with Product Code pricing
Selecting this option will replace the retail price set for an item with any product code pricing established.
Utilize Rounding Table Pricing
The Rounding Table allows you to round certain price amounts up to the desired amount. Checking this option will allow you to maintain a rounding table and use it on prices within your inventory. Click here for more information about Rounding Table.
Include Quantity in Bd. Feet “Swap” button
Checking this option will include a Swap button that will change the quantity displayed when pressed. More information coming.
Allow reordering items with “Order Qty” to exceed Maximum
Enabling this option will allow you to have an order quantity that exceeds the Maximum value listed on the item page.
Automatically Start and Stop Promotions
| When the Automatic Start and Stop Promotions is checked, the system will automatically turn on or off the promotion midnight .
Checking this option directs the system to review the start and end dates of all promotions in the system and will activate promotions that are within the Start and End dates.
Promotions that are outside the start and end dates will be inactivated within the promotion by uncheking the Promotion Active checkbox within the selected promotion.
Turn “ON” Declining Sale Price Schedule
This will enable discount pricing of items based on a date/percent off schedule. To edit the schedule, click the Schedule button. This will bring up the Scheule. You can set up to three discount levels.
Expose the Alt Class field
Enabling this will allow you to enter an alternate class ID in the Class Maintenance screen.
Ask to flag new item as Special order
With this option checked, the system will prompt the user to flag (check the option) as a Special Order item when the item is being added to the system. The reason for this option is to allow management to not include these special order items to the reorder process. To view the new items entered into the system, use the
IC > Reports > Item Entry report to show items entered for a specific date range.
Turn “ON” Item Recommendations
Recommended items can be presented to the cashier based upon a variety of item identifiers with the selection of “Yes” or “No” items to be added to the invoice.
When Printing “Product Code” item labels Zero(0.00)Retail price
More information to come.
Require comment for Issues and Receipts of items
More information to come.
Do not show cost on Item Maintenance screen from POS
This option does not include the Item Maintenance screen when selecting the Item Screen button from the Point of Sale menu.
Exclude “MakeShortBarCode” labels from handheld lookup
"MakeShortBarCode" labels are common within the retail jewelry industry where small butterfly labels are used on rings and small items.
Drop a slash "/" from the first character of an item lookup entry
Sometimes habits are hard to break... If a slash has been in the routine of looking up an item, checking this option will automatically remove the slash for the item being located in the system.
| For example: "/709709" will lookup item "709709"