
WebStore Item affect on EZ-Commerce Website

WebStore Item affect on EZ-Commerce Website

WebStore Item affect on EZ-Commerce Website

Web Store Control of Item

1. Web Store Control of Item
If Checked, the selected item will be automatically loaded to the hosting website in about 10 minutes.
If Unchecked, the item will be removed from the hosting website in about 10 minutes.

Taxonomy Assignment

2. Taxonomy Assignment
WebStore Item affect on EZ-Commerce Website

Taxonomy Source

The item's Class as described within the ecatalog will be assigned to the item.  This is a single level of a typical taxonomy and does not include the multiple levels of the full taxonomy structure.
The Assigned Taxonomy Source allows the user to select from the Default Taxonomy Structure of the system the items position within the taxonomy using the drop down menu system which presents the multi-layered structure.
The Manual Taxonomy Source utilizes the Class, Code, and Fine values found within the IC > Support Files to auto generate the 5-digit Fineline value when the Mercury Server updates the __ezadtv_productlist.xml file within the TransActPOSServer folder. 
About every 5 minutes, the TransActPOS Mercury Server instance communicates with the EZ-Commerce website to process request that are present within the EZADQueue.dbf and adds entries to the __ezadtv_productlist.xml log file.
Requirements:  The support files of Class, Code and Fine should be present and accurately assigned to the items.