(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2025 Build: 4.008.760 Help ID: 569
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Sales Since
The Sales Since Report will report on sales since a set date and time. Upon closing out of this report, you will be asked if you want to save the Date/Time Settings. Answer accordingly.
Report Starting (Date/Time)
This is the most important part of this report. When the date and time is entered, the system will show all Sales since that specified date/time.
Report Summarized by
You can summarize the report in one of two ways (see examples below). Item ID Only will display the sales of the items with a salesperson column. Salesperson + Item will break the report into multiple pages. These pages are separated based on the salesperson who sold the item.
Include Non-Stock Items
Checking this box will include non-stock items on the report.