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TransActPOS Item Receipt Maintenance
Return to the TransActPOS desktop application to complete the receipt process into the inventory. The Status of the wireless physical items list needs to be changed to processing to prevent any other items from being scanned onto the receipt being processed.
Within TransActPOS IC | Receive Inventory, select Wireless to proceed to the processing screen for the items received within a specific wireless receipt group.
Upon selecting Wireless, the system presents the available receipt groups. Simply highlight and press Select to continue the receipt process.
Combined item receipt totals are presented to the user. Highlighting a specific item and choosing the Select button will then allow the user to display the individual posting activity.
Within the item detail screen, each individual line may be edited to correct the quantity and/or cost of the selected receipt record. Selecting the Delete Record button will remove the entire line. Edits in the quantity will be reflected in the previous screen displaying the newly revised receipt quantity. Select Save to return the previous screen.
Select Process to receive the indicated inventory items into the system.
This example can be followed all the way through by reviewing the Receipt report found within the Reports tab of the Inventory File Maintenance screen. Select IC | Inventory File and then locate the appropriate inventory item. From within the Reports screen, select Adjustments and then refine the listing to just Receipts by unchecking the other adjustment types. The report below indicates the detailed receipt activity for a specific day.