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Email Reports
The Email Reports option allows you to establish run times of specific reports.
Right now, the only text based report available is the Drawer Status Report. Checking the Active box will enable the report and enable the Run Times button. Clicking this button will bring up the times you want the given report to be emailed/texted out to users.
If you have any report favorites (click here to learn more), you can also setup favorites to be emailed at certain times and days to specific users. Clicking the Modify button will bring up the Report Favorites window, displaying all reports you have favorited. Simply highlight the one you wish to setup and click the Select Report button.
When you select a new favorite to setup, it will bring up the Run Times screen. This screen also appears if you click the Run Times button next to the Drawer Status Report. As it says, you need to select the days, times, and users to receive the report. You can select multiple times per day. The Users are maintained within System | User Security.