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Discontinued SKUs - How to address
Sometimes, you may have an item that shows up as a discontinued item in the ECatalog. If you know for certain that the item is not discontinued, there may be an issue with part numbers in your inventory. Following the steps below, you can check and fix the part number and allow the item to no longer show up as discontinued.
If you look at the picture below, you will see that the Item "628226" has a PVPN of "605330" and a SVPN of "628226." Since the PVPN (Primary Vendor Part Number) is different from the Item ID (and SVPN), it is showing up as discontinued in the ECatalog, since the PVPN is no longer used in the ECatalog.
The two pictures below display and reinforce the above concept. You can see that they are two completely different items now. You can also tell in the "Item Discontinued" field, the "605330" is discontinued.
This is an easy problem to fix. Since the system has the correct part number under SVPN, simply delete the PVPN and change the SVPN to the new PVPN by highlighting the SVPN, click Edit, and select PVPN.