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RepeatRewards Gift Cards
Selling a RepeatRewards Gift card:
In order to sell a RepeatRewards gift card you will need to ring up RepeatRewards gift card item. The item is usually either RR_GIFTCARD or RRGIFTCARD. Once that item is entered a display box will generate and ask for the dollar amount of the gift card. See Figure 1
Figure 1:
Figure 2 shows what the ring sale screen looks like with a gift card on it.
Figure 2:
After you click the end sale button and choose the payment method, a screen will populate that asks if it is a New Card or an Existing Card. Make the correct choice. See Figure 3.
Figure 3:
TransActPOS will then have you Ask the Customer to swipe card. (They will swipe it on the credit card machine) See Figure 4.
Figure 4
After the customer swipes the card, it will be activated and ready to use.
Before the customer leaves, verify activation and check the balance of the card by pressing F6 and having the customer swipe the card.