(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2024 Build: 4.008.733 Help ID: 1892
Exchanging Serial Numbers
If you chose the wrong serial number during a transaction, you don't have to void or refund the invoice. TransActPOS has the ability to exchange the serial number for the correct one.
Before you can exchange the serial number you have to make sure that a comment item as been selected under System->Company Setup-> Inventory Page 1. Then chose an item for Serial No. Exchange Comment Item.
Once you have setup a comment item, you can go to IC->Inventory File and select the item that was sold. Once you find the item, select Serial No.s from the bottom of the page.
This will bring up the list of available serial numbers. In the drop down for View Only, Choose Sold/Issue.
Select the incorrectly chosen Serial number and click on the Detail Tab.
Click on Exchange which will then bring up the available Serial numbers to select.
Confirm the selection and then a new invoice will print with the corrected Serial Number.