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Card Market Submission Instructions
My Card Market
My Card Market (mycardmarket.com) is the preferred provider of 30-mil gift cards for the internal gift card utilized within TransActPOS. Upon submitting your artwork and the list of gift card serial numbers generated within TransActPOS, your order is managed by the staff at My Card Market.
1) Create a list of the serial numbers for your gift cards
From the main screen of TransActPOS, select Options > Gift Card Main. > Create Numbers
Within the Create export for prompt, enter the number of cards requested so the system can build the serial numbers for the cards. Take a moment to review the file's location being created in this process since you email this file along with your artwork.
Upon selecting Export, the system prompts the user to Record the Gift Card Numbers, respond with Yes to have the system create the file.
2) Locate the artwork for the gift card
The services of Card Market do include gift card design, so go ahead and include your current logo.
Submission A/B Options
A) Email the components to My Card Market
Email the list of serial numbers and your artwork to mark.miller@mycardmarket.com. Card Market will provide a design proof and price quote for your project